Wednesday 7 July 2010

Madam Bar

WELCOME PLEASE !! This is probably what you will here if passing this bar !This is Madam Bar located near the Hotel IBIS and the Boxing Stadium on the Patak Rd west, These were a great bunch of Girls pretty much coaxing you in to have a drink and play pool there , Extra activities are available !! if you so choose , but generally just hanging out and relaxing is the order of the day, As I spent over a year staying in Phuket some of these girls became good friends and got to know quite well ( not that I was window shopping as my girl friend would of been more than angry to say the least!!).The Bar has many large TV screens for the sports fans and a good pool table , drinks prices are a little higher in these type of bars but are still cheap approx 80 BHT (£1.50) .

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